1. Answer Questions In Exchange For Web Traffic
Bring those askers home (to your blog). Question and Answer (Q & A) sites are great traffic sources you should not ignore. This traffic strategy allows you to offer your expert knowledge to people who are asking for help in the Q & A sites, and you get a chance to leave a link to your blog post or article link below your answer. Your answers with links will remain there for years to come, so that anyone with a similar question that lands on that page may trace your back to your blog. That’s free traffic.
Here’s how to get to get traffic from the Q & A sites:
- Look at your blog contents, pick one post and search yahoo answers using your main keyword, for unanswered, related questions. You can do this every time you publish a new post in order to increase exposure to new posts.
- Next, in a list format or brief summary, provide honest complete answer to the question and then end by leaving your blog post URL as the source.
This strategy will score you free traffic plus a free backlink, every time you answer a question.
Yahoo Answers and LinkedIn-Answers are two of the high traffic Q & A sites you can start with. The members of LinkedIn love conversations and you’ll do well to use Q & A to brand yourself as an expert in that community as well as pull in more traffic to your blog.
2. Get Traffic To The Images In Your Blog Posts
An increasing number of bloggers are using images in their blog posts, some of which they create themselves to drive their points home. Flickr and Photobucket are on the list of the top 1000 websites and so have a huge potential to drive you traffic from people searching for images (Google and Yahoo Image search).
Do you create images, infographics and screenshots for tutorial and how-to posts? Those original images on their own can generate you tons of traffic and backlinks too. Here’s how to start getting traffic to your images:
- Submit your images (same ones you create for your posts) to top image hosting sites such as Flickr and / or photobucket in order to generate additional traffic.
- Ensure to enter relevant keywords as tags for every image you upload – that will ensure that your images will bring you only targeted traffic. If you can, insert watermark of your blog link on the images so that when other people download them, they also have a reminder to check the image source (your blog).
A few days ago I found one of my images (screen-shot created by me) used by a photo blogger; now, that sent me a backlink and is sure to send traffic. Twitpic is another image site that is gaining popularity among bloggers, and so should not be ignored. Remember social media traffic is on the increase.
3. Get Social To Get Traffic
High Traffic Social Networks: Sharing your posts as status updates on high traffic social media sites will greatly expose your contents to your social media followers and their followers too (see the multiplying power?). Ensure to join these high traffic social media sites: Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, Digg, Reddit, Delicious, Mixx and Friendfeed.
Niche Social Networks: Take advantage of new and niche social bookmarking sites such as wordpressjunkies, serpd, dimbler, blogengage, mmosocialnetwork, sphinn, BizSugar and Dzone. If you are in a special (non-internet marketing niche), you may want to search for top traffic social bookmarking sites in your particular niche.
Leverage Automation To Gain Traction and Maximum Reach: The more social bookmarking sites you share your posts, the more combined traffic you’ll get (from an aggregation of all the followers your content reached across all the social networks you bookmarked). To be more effective and productive with your social bookmarking tasks, leverage on automated social bookmarking tools such as Onlywire.com and socialadr.com (both are free) to automate your social bookmarking – so that you can plough back saved time to working on other aspects of your online business blueprint.
4. Expand your Coast – Piggyback on the Huge Traffic of Famous Bloggers
There’s no gain-saying that popular bloggers get more traffic than their unpopular counterparts, even when they write zilch. Readers like shortcuts and they easily pass on trust from their favorite blogger to a new underdog blogger. Blogging contest offer opportunities for underdog bloggers to come to limelight within a short duration of time the contest runs.
Participate in Contests – Blogging contests (any type) and guest blogging contests are some of the fastest ways to increase reach more audience that you would not have reached just by yourself. Organizers and sponsors of blogging contests, who are usually famous bloggers heavily promote posts submitted by contest participants – that’s how you can ride with the buzz, on the wings of established bloggers to gain recognition and popularity. With popularity comes massive traffic, because bigger blogs have massive traffic and a humongous reader base that can rub off on you if you simply write one single guest post for them.
5. Host A Free Webinar
Plan an open webinar or Skype meeting on a topic that most people in your niche would like to learn more about. Invite other people to your webinar, using social media tools such as twitter and Facebook events.
You can also contact other bloggers and marketers to do a webinar for their subscribers.
At the end of the webinar, invite attendees to get your free report that deals deeper into the Webinar subject (by opting in to your list). I bet you, if you wow your webinar attendees and taught them something that they can truly use to get results, they will come back to your blog. Then they will subscribe (good list building technique) and you will ensure to convert them to regular blog visitors by sending them (subscribers) notices of every new blog post.
Next Steps…
There you have it – the top 5 best kept traffic secrets that smart bloggers are using to get all the readers to their blogs. Now, it’s your turn to go put those free traffic strategies to use, else this post would simply be a nice read. As you can see, you do not necessarily have to be a SEO expert or perform heavyaffiliate email marketing to amass tons of quality traffic – now you know how smart bloggers do it. Also don’t forget to keep a close eye on your Alexa report.
Finally, two things I want you to do for me before you go:
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Comment: I’d love to hear your traffic results, let me know if there’s any free traffic strategies that I missed on that list above.