I don’t know about you but I want more web traffic. In this post, you’ll discover the top 5 traffic generation methods sure to jam your blog with readers and commenters this year. Read on…
1. Hijack Traffic From Other Webmasters And Publishers
Write articles for only high traffic article directories, some popular article directories do not send as much traffic as some unpopular, silent ones – go check ezinearticles and see what the traffic over the past 3 months has been for average article writers (good contents, of course). While searching out article sites that can send high traffic, I tested Buzzle and got over 600 views in less than 3 days (now over 800 views for that same article); articlealley and articlebiz and a few others have also delivered great results for me – so I suggest you spend your time where you’ll get high volume of traffic, not a mere 30 views or the likes in 3 months.
If your articles are good, you may be lucky to have them picked up and published on the websites of other webmasters; so that you have an added exposure to the readers of the blogs where they are republished. I realized that my articles on Articlesbase.Com are the most picked up by other webmasters and are posted on their blogs with all my links in place.
When I first discovered that I was getting lots of trackbacks on my blog from places where the articles have been republished, I decided to make some article directories my lazy traffic generation machine. I then tweaked titles of my other articles to test how frequent they would be republished; I also added more blog post links or changed some depending on what the article directory allows. I tweaked and tested until I get desired increase in pingbacks (that is more republishing).
Write compelling titles that will sell your content, making other web publishers pick them up and happily send you click-traffic, from their readers who click your links within the article to come to your blog.
2. Stock Your Home With Food For Content Choppers
Stock your blog full of relevant, quality contents for voracious readers. If you want to maximize your traffic generation ROI, always ensure that you’re getting the kind of traffic that will stick and return again.
Your goal should be to generate Traffic that is likely to stick (return again and again). If you are not able to make your one time visitors come back again and again, you will forever be looking for massive traffic. When was the last time Problogger or CopyBlogger was looking for new traffic? They have more than enough return traffic.
When you think traffic, think retention, think sustainable, return traffic – your goal is to bring them and keep them. Do not be in a hurry to be seen/noticed everywhere: Spend some time to put your house (blog) in order before inviting the whole blogosphere (public) to come reading. The kind of readers that are likely to come back again (and again) are looking for blogs that have more than a measly amount of contents – and I’m talking about QUALITY contents here.
Note that numbers (quantity of posts) is not equal to quality. Instead of writing 20 run-off posts, why not spend a bit of time to write 10 or 5 quality and useful posts that any reader can implement and see results. You’ll be glad you did because your results will speak – not just the usual ‘great post’ comments.
First build a foundation for your blog – up to 10 pillar posts would give any visitor a reason to come back again. It’s not about how fast you go out there and be all over the place. You can be all over too long and someone just coming to the public today will achieve success faster than you.
3. Join Relevant Forums And Play By The Rules
Many of your potential visitors are hanging in the niche-specific forums and groups, asking questions and looking for help. Find and join high activity forums that are related to your blog theme, and put yourself in front of them – answering their questions. That way you’ll gain exposure to your brand as an expert and also pick up traffic back to your blog.
High activity forums are those that have lots of participation and traffic daily. You’ll notice that from the number of replies to forum/group threads. Ensure to read the forum or group rules so you can play within the acceptable guide. Here are what you should do to get traffic from high activity forums and groups:
- Find two high traffic and active forums in your market niche, then find (question-like) topics with sizable amount of activity (replies/posts) and then spend 30 minutes to 1 hour twice every week providing quality and complete responses. Be sure to leave a link to your blog in your forum profile and signature area as some readers who find your answers useful will be clicking to visit your blog.
- Create new threads in the forums to share tips on what’s working for you. As more and more people read your tips and find it truly helps them, they’ll be drawn to click to visit your blog.
- Post a video on YouTube and also post the same on a forum – this is a great way to bump up your YouTube views while getting more traffic from the Forums. Some forums do not allow videos but confirm from their Terms of Use, or check out other threads – if any has video, it’s a sign that it’s allowed.
*For this traffic strategy, be sure to check that a forum you’re interested in accepts signatures; be sure to check out the forum’s terms of use to ensure you know your boundaries. This allows you to get exposure to your link (likely traffic) every time you ask a question or make a helpful post in response to another member’s question.
Where to Find High Traffic Groups or Forums: You can find your niche related groups, to participate in, on Facebook, Google and Yahoo. Below are some high traffic forums for the general internet marketing niche:
- Digital Point Forum (PR4, 200,000+ members)
- Warrior Forum (PR5, 200,000+ members)
- WAHM Forum (PR4, 60,000+ members)
Note: To get high number of targeted relevant traffic, join forums that are in your own niche. Most people make the mistake of flocking to the general ‘how to blog forums’, ‘MLM forums’ and ‘how to internet marketing forums’ – when they are not writing for that target audience. If those are not your market niche, you’ll not attract quality traffic because forums members go to specific forums and are looking for specific expert solutions.
Hey, smart bloggers have ultimate and end purpose behind their every traffic generation drive – to get traffic of blog visitors that will be interested in what they have to offer. So for example, if you’re in the golfing niche and blogging about golfing, find a golf lovers forum; if you blog about makeup, find a makeup lovers forum/ group.
Here’s how to use Google search to find a relevant Forum:
Go to Google.Com and enter in keywords using the following format: “’your keyword’+forums” or “’your keyword+discussion board”. Look through the search results to find the most relevant forum to start contributing to, in exchange for traffic.
4. Seduce the Search Engines to Send You Traffic
This kind of traffic is hands-free but only requires one-time effort on your part in order to get streams of free, organic traffic to your blog daily.
If you want to get traffic all year round without going to look for it, you’ll have to spend a small time to ‘seduce the search engines’. Communicate in the only language they understand – keywords and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) magnetize search engines. That’s the only way they’ll know your blog or post exists.
If you give the search engines what they want, they’ll give you what you want (tons of traffic).
Pages in the first page of search engines get over 50% of traffic from searchers. The idea here is to get up there on the top Search Engine Results Page (SERP) so that your target readers can easily find your posts when they search.
Here are a few tips to magnetize the search engines with every post you write:
a. Learn and apply basic keyword research. Use Google Keyword Tool and/ or Wonder wheel to find the most related and least competitive long (-tail) keywords. Long tail keywords are 2, 3 word phrases related to your content).
- Think keywords as synonyms when writing contents and strive to achieve at least a 1% keyword density in order to build a related theme around your contents – that’s how search engines understand what you are writing about. Find words that you can replace with your keyword, without altering the intended meaning of the sentence. A topic theme is made up of related KWs.
- Ensure to place your main keywords in your post title, URL (permalink), body of post, headings (mainly h1, h2, h3); bold, underline and italicise your main keyword once in the body of your post.
b. Get Plenty of Backlinks so as to make the search engines see your blog as relevant on the WWW, and bless you with Google rankings necessary to push you up the SERPS. More Backlinks result in higher search engine rankings, which in turn results to increased visibility and clicks by searchers to your blog. Use these methods for backlinks: social bookmarking, RSS feed submission to RSS aggregators, article writing (with your post / blog links inside) and guest posting for other blogs.
If your content writing need an SEO makeover, head on here to learn how to SEO right: Basic SEO for bloggers.
5. Listen To Your Traffic Analytics Dashboard
What’s your traffic analytics dashboard telling you (aside from the number of visitors per day)? What can you deduce from the numbers?
Those numbers hold the key to your blog’s traffic reserves, seriously. Within those numbers, you can find insights and golden keywords that’ll further jam your blog with human traffic.
Analyse your Google analytics traffic dashboard and find the most popular words that searchers used to find your blog from the search engines in the past 30 days – that’s likely an indication of what’s trending in your industry/ market. Below are steps to put to use your Google analytics monthly report:
- Keyword Report: Identify the most recurring (popular) word combination in all the listed keywords and optimize your old and new contents for that keyword group, as follows:
-Write new posts using those group of responsive keywords; add some of those keywords into old related posts (meta tags and body). Write posts to address the top 10 search key phrases, ensuring to use the searchers keywords in your analytics, when writing the post. These kinds of posts have the potential to bring lots of traffic to your blog, from other searchers looking for answers/ related posts.
-Optimize your old posts for increased search engine traffic by finding the most popular searchers key phrases for each post, and then tweaking the post’s SEO using those popular searchers’ keywords.
- Referring Sites: Get closer to the top 10 websites and blogs that sent you large volume of traffic; work your way to building an alliance with the bloggers or webmasters.
Next Steps…
Did you see how you can easily and drastically increase your web traffic almost overnight in 5 simple, yet powerful steps? I bet you’re looking forward to start implementing them on your blog.
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