There are times when life seems like it is squeezing in on you and you need to figure out how to make money fast. You are not sure what to do or where to find the extra funds that you need. Many people look online for how to make fast money. For some people a second job or even a part-time job is an answer for them.
The problem for most people is that it does not provide the flexibility that you need since you are getting paid by the hour. With the power of the internet, there has to be some legitimate ways to make money fast. Right? Before we dive in I must give a warning of caution. There are many scams online that look really, really good. They claim to be all about making money fast. They are convincing and you justify in your own mind that they just have to work. If it is too good to be true, run away fast!
Blogging is Not the Answer
I know this may surprise you to hear us say this since after all this blog is about growing your passion to a full-time, online income but blogging is not the answer to fast cash. Blogging for money is a real thing, but it takes time.
One of the core fundamental reasons that Bob and I have started this blog is because simply there is a lot of ad information out there. Many of them are focused on ways to “trick” google in a attempt to earn fast cash. Both Bob and I believe two fundamental things about blogging:
1. Blogging is a legitimate way to earn a sustainable income online if done correctly.
2. Blogging is an investment and takes lots of hard work.
If you are looking to earn fast cash with blogging, then I have a few sites you can read that will be happy to take your money in exchange for fluff.
Now, before you think that I am negative about blogging, I am not at all. In fact, if you have a passion for something (in my opinion) it is the very best way to start a legitimate business to move in that direction. Reason being is because you can work whenever you want and even when you are not working you are open for business.
Freelance Writing is the Answer for Making Quick Money
I think freelance writing is the answer for how to make money fast. You can work whenever you want and if you are really wanting to make blogging a goal, freelance writing will improve your writing ability and skills. There are many sites that will pay you for writing for them. Here are a few of my favorite:
- Odesk - you can sign up for a free account and begin bidding on writing jobs right away. You can be picky and just bid on jobs that are closely related to passions of yours. I would encourage you to sign up and start watching for writing opportunities.
- Elance - this is another freelance site. While not specifically focused on just writing, there are many jobs to bid on in the writing category. Elance is known for employers that pay big money for big projects. It is even possible to land a job writing an ebook.
- Demand Studios – This is another site that I have written for quite a bit. They have thousands of titles that you can choose from with more being added every day. Typically pay is $15 per 400-500 word article and they pay through Paypal twice a week so it can’t get any faster than that. Think about it…even if it took you an hour to write the article, you would get paid $15 an hour. Most people looking for a part-time evening job struggle getting that hourly wage and it does not have the same flexibility.
- TextBroker – if you do not consider yourself to be a strong writer but want to get your feet wet, then textbroker could be a good possibility for you. Pay is less around $5-7 per article but in the past I was able to write a few of these an hour. They pay by Paypal once a month.
- Craigslist - while you need to be a little bit careful with Craigslist, I have found great writing positions here in the past. People want content for their blog so they post about job openings that they have.
- BYP Job Board – check out our board for job listings that come up and check it out as it is updated regularly.
- ProBlogger Job Board – Lastly, keep an eye out on ProBlogger’s job board. Many companies advertise blogging positions for different niches. It is a great source of online writing positions.
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